
[Podcast] Minding Your Business Episode 7: So We Made a Web App

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This episode of Minding Your Business podcast talks about Full-Suite’s new app that was launched recently. Today’s guest is the CEO of Spectres Solutions, TJ, who will be talking about the app and a little more about his company.


Spectres Solutions is a software development firm for the past two years until they’ve decided to focus on a product. Currently, the company is working on an app in the HR Tech industry. Given its big market, their goal is to penetrate a slice of the market which is the workforce. They are currently developing an app that can help the HR Department when it comes to managing their workforce.


The app they are currently developing is named “Chrono” which means time. Basically it is an advanced attendance app where instead of a traditional time card, the user will have to take a selfie to log in and out. The app will recognize an employee’s face using AI visual perception and the data will automatically be saves to a cloud database. With this, the managers and stakeholders will be able to get an idea of how their workforce is doing and they will be able to see the attendance of their employees. These information will be stored in the cloud for easier storage and extraction.


Basically, Chrono is different from other applications available in the market because it focuses on a different part of the HR. A lot of apps are into doing payroll, pooling of applicants and such while Chrono focuses on the gray area between workforce management and payroll. The company wanted to integrate the existing payroll system into the app to get a better view of the attendance and salary of the employees. This app can be very beneficial to companies that has a lot of branches since they can just send the data via the cloud. This can cut transportation costs when it comes to sending the data back and forth.


The Philippines has been known as the selfie capital so they wanted to incorporate this into the workplace. They also wanted the app to be interactive and this is the best way to achieve it. The selfie log in works by using the AI visual perception which basically identifies the different points in the face. There are around 64 points in an employee’s face that the system identifies and as you take a new selfie, the system compares your points to the other pictures taken. The AI then becomes smarter to identify the employee’s face.


Over the past years, TJ realizes that there has been human intervention when it comes to software. He said that it takes human intelligence to meet some tasks and that is why they’ve decided to enter into the AI world. AI is an algorithm that allows the software to perform tasks that is usually done by humans. Having AIs can make a lot of things easier for us since they can work 24/7 and they can handle big quantities of workloads than humans can. Maybe a lot of people does not favor the idea of having AIs instead of humans but if they really know what these AIs can do, they would definitely go for it.

For TJ, they are currently focusing on Facebook chat bot because there a lot of users in this social media platform. They chose Facebook because of the reach control and there will be a lot of information gathered through this. Also, commerce has been emerging in Facebook which is also a good platform for these chat bots.


With the help of TJ, Full-Suite just launched their new app last August 1 and it has a lot of features in store for clients. The app comes with a more detailed answers to all frequently asked questions and it will be easier to communicate with them using the app. As a client, this app can be your tracker for your projects. After signing up for a service, you can then log in to track your project and you will be able to see everything, from the time a client signs the contract up to the very end of the process. The main goal of this app is to show clients and potential clients the convenience of getting information when it comes to your projects.

Stay tuned for more announcements when it comes to this app. This is a huge step for us to serve you better. Until next time!